Monday, June 24, 2019

Terdering Issue

The CSD upgrade Saturday caused a problem with the Tendering process.  We fixed the problem but you will need to log off and back on to get it to work today (Monday).  It will work as usual after Monday.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

CSD Back Online

Infor has finished the maintenance and CSD is back online.


Saturday, June 8, 2019

CSD Offline for Maintenance

Hi –
Infor CloudSuite Distribution will be offline starting at 8:00am eastern this morning until around noon eastern Sunday June 9th to move our database to a newer, faster set of servers. 

We will send you an email when maintenance is complete and it is back online.


Sunday, June 2, 2019

It's 4:00, do you know where your report is??

If you are a branch or store manager, make sure you are getting your 4:00 report daily. This report shows details about all shipped orders that are invoicing later for your branch and gives you a last chance to make sure everything is correct before invoicing. This can save writing credits and having headaches.

If you are not receiving these reports or have never heard about them, send an email to and we can help you get one setup.