Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Reprinted Pick Tickets/Packing Lists

To help users quickly recognize a reprinted Pick Ticket/Packing List, we added a new image at the top of the document to help identify reprints. 

In addition to the word “***REPRINT***” on the top line of the document, you will also see a new RePrint image near the top as well:
Remember, if a Pick Ticket/Packing List is reprinted, the first thing that should happen after it is printed is to find the previously printed Pick Ticket/Packing List and destroy it.  This task will generally fall on our CSR’s or warehouse workers so please make certain they understand why this is so important.  Failing to do this can result in duplicate orders being shipped to the customer and inventory inaccuracies. 
Also, if you are posting the order shipped in Shipping Feedback (OEES) and get a message “ Unship the Order” or “Cannot Process, Invalid Stage”, then you should stop and investigate whether a duplicate copy of this order has already been shipped and processed.
Taking these extra steps will insure that we ship the proper products to the customer and keep our inventory correct.
If you have any questions, please let me know.